Dispensing Optician Leominster Herefordshire
Reglaze Your Current FrameRe-glazing your frame with new lenses couldn’t be any easier. We offer a no fee while you wait service so you never need be without your glasses.

Reglazing is a great alternative to buying a brand new pair of glasses.
It can also save you even more money as we do not charge any reglazing fee. Elsewhere you may find the cost of new lenses plus the reglazing fee makes it more expensive than buying a complete new pair. Not at The Vision Factory where you only need to pay for new lenses. So why throw away a perfectly good frame or a frame you really like just because your prescription has changed?

What sets us apart is our in-house glazing service. Our reglazes are fast, efficient and of course, highly cost-effective. And you need never be without your glasses because we can glaze new lenses into your existing frame while you wait! This usually only takes about 10 minutes so you can either sit down and have a coffee or run some errands in town.
An additional reglaze service we offer which may be of interest is our popular 5-step frame refurbishment package. This a popular but fully optional service that can help breathe new life into older frames. Please note: there is a small additional charge for this service please ask in-store.
Frame Condition
Thorough evaluation of frame condition (to ensure suitability)
Deep Clean
Ultrasonic deep clean (helps get rid of engrained dirt and grime)
Helps restore lustre and shine
Nose Pads
New nose pads (new silicone pads fitted to all applicable frames)
Helps bent or crooked frames fit more comfortably again